Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOUNCE - DOINK BOUNCE, BONK 01 (1st bounce).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BONK - HOLLOW WOOD BONK 04.Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - THIN METAL PING AND WARBLE 01 (Heard in the end credits.).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - STRING PLUCK (sped up).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - SPACE BOING, MEDIUM 01 (Used in reverse.).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - SMALL DRUM, THREE BOINGS IN A ROW, PERCUSSION, MUSIC, DRUMS 02 (2nd boing).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP SPROING.Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP BOING, SHORT 02.Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BIRD - HEAD BONK BIRDS CHIRPING (Used whenever Boom Boom gets dizzy after using his spinning attack also used after a character spins inside a Koopa Troopa shell.).Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BELL - SMALL BRASS CHIMES, RINGING, MUSIC, PERCUSSION.Sound Ideas, CARTOON - BIG SOCK AND RATTLE, HIT.Sound Ideas, BUZZER, GAME SHOW - GAME SHOW BUZZER: LONG/ SHORT.Sound Ideas, BUBBLES, MUD - THICK, GLOPPY MUD BUBBLES, BOIL (Used for lava.).Sound Ideas, BOMB, WHISTLE - BOMB FALLING: WHISTLE-BY 08.Sound Ideas, BOMB, WHISTLE - BOMB FALLING: WHISTLE-BY 03.Sound Ideas, BELL TREE - RAIN DROPS, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (1st ding).Sound Ideas, BELL, HAND - SMALL BRASS BELL: SHORT RING.Sound Ideas, BELL, DESK - DESK BELL: SINGLE RING.Sound Ideas, ALARM, BURGLAR - BURGLAR ALARM GOING OFF.SMW Question Block Hit/Bump Sound (Used for Chagin' Chucks' footsteps.).SMW Hit Sound (Used when stomping a Chargin' Chuck.).RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 09 (Unused, but the extremely distorted version from Super Mario Galaxy 2 can be found in the game's files.).HUMAN, YELL - YELL: FEMALE (Used for Koopa Troopas.).Hollywoodedge, Small Swishes Light FS048101/ SWISH - ARM OR WEAPON SWING THROUGH AIR, SWOOSH 03.Hollywoodedge, Metal Hits Metal Pipe FS010605.Hollywoodedge, Metal Hits Metal Pipe FS010603.Hollywoodedge, Metal Hits Metal Pipe FS010601.Hollywoodedge, Glass Breaks Light FS024506.Hollywoodedge, Glass Breaks Light FS024505.Hollywoodedge, Chin Punch FS040401 (Used along with a high pitched HIT, WHAP - BIG WHAP, CARTOON 01.).Hollywoodedge, Car Crash Small 1 Shor PE111901.Hollywoodedge, Bullet Impacts Metal FS013302.Hollywoodedge, Bullet Impacts Metal FS013301.Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801/ Hawk Screech Single AT082901.H-B ZIP, CARTOON - LOW WHISTLE ZING OUT.H-B ZIP, CARTOON - HIGH WHISTLE ZING OUT.Note: Many of this game's non-stock sounds (ie, the sound used when collecting a coin) were re-used in Super Mario Odyssey.

An enhanced port with additional content, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, was released for the Nintendo Switch on February 12, 2021. The game was a financial success, with more than 5 million units sold worldwide and becoming the second best-selling game for the Wii U.

Super Mario 3D World was acclaimed for its level design, presentation, replay value, and soundtrack, though some reviewers decried its unreliable camera in the multiplayer mode. The game features a character selector as well as introducing a power-up called the Super Bell, which turns the player into a cat, enabling them to climb walls and use a scratch attack. The gameplay is similar to previous installments of the series, with players passing through individual levels to reach Bowser. The game follows Mario and friends attempting to rescue fairy-like creatures called Sprixies from Bowser, who invades the realm known as the Sprixie Kingdom. It is the sixth original 3D platform game in the Super Mario series, the sequel to the 2011 Nintendo 3DS game Super Mario 3D Land. Super Mario 3D World is a platform game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U in November 2013.